Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs,
Yesterday, Labor Day, I was in the trenches, focusing on growing my coaching business and helping my clients explode their revenue like I do most days...
When suddenly, a random appointment popped up on my Google Cal.
It was a free coaching call, which is something I don't even promote anymore since I'm so busy with paying clients.
(By the way, the cheapest way to get help from me now is through this LIVE workshop - more on that later.)
But I'm not one to turn away an entrepreneur in need, so I jumped on the call.
On the other end of the line was a 26-year-old Florida man, let's call him Joe.
Joe shared that he's a fairly successful serial entrepreneur who's sold a business before and made millions from his other ventures.
But Joe has a problem.
He knows there's so much more untapped potential that he's just not capitalizing on.
Joe told me he's well-versed in every funnel, every social media strategy, every sales tactic... but he just doesn't take action.
And it's costing him.... BIG TIME.
Based on Joe's past results, a quick 'back of the envelope' math would suggest it's costing him a couple of mil a year.
Just imagine what a couple of mil would do for you Entrepreneurs!
Not only that, it's costing Joe his peace of mind. It's bothering his self-esteem knowing he has what it takes but he's just not doing it.
Can you relate?
Also, it's damn right annoying that he sees people who aren't as smart as him, making so much more money than him.
Ever felt like that?
Luckily for Joe (and you) there is an easy fix (click here to learn more).
Now, the conversation with Joe reminded me that there are 3 distinct kinds of entrepreneurs out there, each facing their own unique challenges.
Entrepreneur Kind #1: The "Stuck" Procrastinator
This is the entrepreneur who knows exactly what they need to do to take their business to the next level, but just can't seem to make it happen.
They have the knowledge and the drive, but when it's time to execute, they find themselves paralyzed, making excuses instead of progress.
Sound familiar?
Don't beat yourself up. It's not entirely your fault.
See, your conscious mind (the part that sets goals) and your subconscious mind (the part that controls your habits and actions) are often in conflict.
If you don't know how to align these two parts, reaching your goals will always feel like an uphill battle.
I experienced it over a decade ago when I would sit my ass down and binge watch 2 & a half men instead of getting to work!
It was a terrible time.
Entrepreneur Kind #2: The "Lost" Beginner
This entrepreneur has passion in spades, but lacks clarity on what steps to actually take to grow their business.
They're constantly trying new things, hoping something will stick.
As a result, they waste precious time and resources on strategies that don't move the needle, while their competitors speed past them.
If this is you, don't panic.
Read on...
Entrepreneur Kind #3: The "Unstoppable" Achiever
This rare breed of entrepreneur knows exactly what they want and pursues it relentlessly.
They don't just know what to do to succeed - they do it, day in and day out, no matter the obstacles in their path.
These are the entrepreneurs who seem to achieve the impossible - doubling their revenue in months, scaling to 7 figures in record time, leaving their competition in the dust.
If you're this kind of entrepreneur, congrats!
Feel free to stop reading and get back to dominating your industry...
But I know you won't.
You'll keep learning and investing in yourself because that's what got you to where you are today and it'll get you to your next goal too.
But if you fall into category #1 or #2, I've got some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is, if you don't make a change soon, you'll likely remain stuck, watching from the sidelines as your competitors thrive, wondering how they make it look so effortless.
It gets worse.
After a while you'll accept the nagging feeling that you're not living up to your full potential.
You'll learn to dull the call for more by adopting destructive habits that distract you from the truth.
Finally, you'll be on your death bed wishing you had one more chance to go back and take action but it will be too late.
Harsh. But true.
The good news?
There's a way to get your subconscious mind working with you instead of against you, and rapidly become an "Unstoppable"!
The secret is self-hypnosis - a scientifically-proven method for reprogramming your subconscious patterns and behaviors to align with your goals.
With this powerful skill, you can essentially rewire your brain for automatic success and action-taking, making discipline and willpower a thing of the past.
Imagine automatically taking revenue-boosting actions without a second thought.
Picture procrastination and self-sabotage melting away, as success becomes your default state- no discipline required.
That's the power of self-hypnosis.
And this Thursday, I'm teaching a LIVE workshop that will show you exactly how to harness this incredible tool to quantum leap your business growth (and every other area of your life):
Let's face it - "discipline" is great but it takes alot of effort and time to cultivate. And "Motivation" is fleeting, you cannot rely on it.
However, the cheat code to rapidly achieving everything you want in life with virtually no effort is learning to master the one thing that controls everything else...
Your subconscious mind.
I look forward to helping you unleash its power.
See you there,
Mark Dhamma, MA
High Performance Coach to 7 & 8-Figure Entrepreneurs
CEO & Founder of Supercharged Entrepreneurs
BSc Sports Science & Physiology
MA Positive Organizational Psychology
Advanced NLP & Hypnotherapy Specialist
You have a choice.
You can keep grinding away, frustrated by your lack of progress, while "3rd kind" entrepreneurs zoom past you...
OR you can click here to discover the single most important skill of your entrepreneurial journey.
It's up to you.
But if you're serious about your success, I strongly suggest you check this out now, before it's too late.
Your future self will thank you.
Joe is a smart entrepreneur. He signed up for the workshop immediately.